.. _controlling-the-interface-the-handler: ====================================== Controlling the Interface: the Handler ====================================== Most of the material in the preceding chapters is concerned with the relationship between the model and view aspects of the :term:`MVC` design pattern as supported by TraitsUI. This chapter examines the third aspect: the :term:`controller`, implemented in TraitsUI as an :term:`instance` of the :term:`Handler` class. [11]_ A controller for an MVC-based application is essentially an event handler for GUI events, i.e., for events that are generated through or by the program interface. Such events can require changes to one or more model objects (e.g., because a data value has been updated) or manipulation of the interface itself (e.g., window closure, dynamic interface behavior). In TraitsUI, such actions are performed by a Handler object. In the preceding examples in this guide, the Handler object has been implicit: TraitsUI provides a default Handler that takes care of a common set of GUI events including window initialization and closure, data value updates, and button press events for the standard TraitsUI window buttons (see :ref:`command-buttons-the-buttons-attribute`). This chapter explains the features of the TraitsUI Handler, and shows how to implement custom GUI behaviors by building and instantiating custom subclasses of the Handler class. The final section of the chapter describes several techniques for linking a custom Handler to the window or windows it is designed to control. .. _backstage-introducing-the-uiinfo-object: Backstage: Introducing the UIInfo Object ---------------------------------------- TraitsUI supports the MVC design pattern by maintaining the model, view, and controller as separate entities. A single View object can be used to construct windows for multiple model objects; likewise a single Handler can handle GUI events for windows created using different Views. Thus there is no static link between a Handler and any particular window or model object. However, in order to be useful, a Handler must be able to observe and manipulate both its corresponding window and model objects. In TraitsUI, this is accomplished by means of the UIInfo object. Whenever TraitsUI creates a window or panel from a View, a UIInfo object is created to act as the Handler's reference to that window and to the objects whose :term:`trait attribute`\ s are displayed in it. Each entry in the View's context (see :ref:`the-view-context`) becomes an attribute of the UIInfo object. [12]_ For example, the UIInfo object created in :ref:`Example 7 ` has attributes **h1** and **h2** whose values are the objects **house1** and **house2** respectively. In :ref:`Example 1 ` through :ref:`Example 6 `, the created UIInfo object has an attribute **object** whose value is the object **sam**. Whenever a window event causes a Handler method to be called, TraitsUI passes the corresponding UIInfo object as one of the method arguments. This gives the Handler the information necessary to perform its tasks. .. _assigning-handlers-to-views: Assigning Handlers to Views --------------------------- In accordance with the MVC design pattern, Handlers and Views are separate entities belonging to distinct classes. In order for a custom Handler to provide the control logic for a window, it must be explicitly associated with the View for that window. The TraitsUI package provides three ways to accomplish this: - Make the Handler an attribute of the View. - Provide the Handler as an argument to a display method such as edit_traits(). - Define the View as part of the Handler. .. _binding-a-singleton-handler-to-a-view: Binding a Singleton Handler to a View ````````````````````````````````````` To associate a given custom Handler with all windows produced from a given View, assign an instance of the custom Handler class to the View's **handler** attribute. The result of this technique, as shown in :ref:`Example 9 `, is that the window created by the View object is automatically controlled by the specified handler instance. .. _linking-handler-and-view-at-edit-time: Linking Handler and View at Edit Time ````````````````````````````````````` It is also possible to associate a custom Handler with a specific window without assigning it permanently to the View. Each of the three TraitsUI window-building methods (the configure_traits() and edit_traits() methods of the HasTraits class and the ui() method of the View class) has a *handler* keyword argument. Assigning an instance of Handler to this argument gives that handler instance control *only of the specific window being created by the method call*. This assignment overrides the View's **handler** attribute. .. _creating-a-default-view-within-a-handler: Creating a Default View Within a Handler ```````````````````````````````````````` You seldom need to associate a single custom Handler with several different Views or vice versa, although you can in theory and there are cases where it is useful to be able to do so. In most real-life scenarios, a custom Handler is tailored to a particular View with which it is always used. One way to reflect this usage in the program design is to define the View as part of the Handler. The same rules apply as for defining Views within HasTraits objects; for example, a view named 'trait_view' is used as the default view. The Handler class, which is a subclass of HasTraits, overrides the standard configure_traits() and edit_traits() methods; the subclass versions are identical to the originals except that the Handler object on which they are called becomes the default Handler for the resulting windows. Note that for these versions of the display methods, the *context* keyword parameter is not optional. .. _handler-subclasses: Handler Subclasses ------------------ TraitsUI provides two Handler subclasses: ModelView and Controller. Both of these classes are designed to simplify the process of creating an MVC-based application. Both ModelView and Controller extend the Handler class by adding the following trait attributes: - **model**: The model object for which this handler defines a view and controller. - **info**: The UIInfo object associated with the actual user interface window or panel for the model object. The **model** attribute provides convenient access to the model object associated with either subclass. Normally, the **model** attribute is set in the constructor when an instance of ModelView or Controller is created. The **info** attribute provides convenient access to the UIInfo object associated with the active user interface view for the handler object. The **info** attribute is automatically set when the handler object's view is created. Both classes' constructors accept an optional *model* parameter, which is the model object. They also can accept metadata as keyword parameters. .. class:: ModelView( [model = None, **metadata] ) .. class:: Controller( [model = None, **metadata] ) The difference between the ModelView and Controller classes lies in the context dictionary that each one passes to its associated user interface, as described in the following sections. .. _controller-class: Controller Class ```````````````` The Controller class is normally used when implementing a standard MVC-based design, and plays the "controller" role in the MVC design pattern. The "model" role is played by the object referenced by the Controller's **model** attribute; and the "view" role is played by the View object associated with the model object. The context dictionary that a Controller object passes to the View's ui() method contains the following entries: - ``object``: The Controller's model object. - ``controller``: The Controller object itself. Using a Controller as the handler class assumes that the model object contains most, if not all, of the data to be viewed. Therefore, the model object is used for the object key in the context dictionary, so that its attributes can be easily referenced with unqualified names (such as Item('name')). .. _modelview-class: ModelView Class ``````````````` The ModelView class is useful when creating a variant of the standard MVC design pattern. In this variant, the ModelView subclass reformulates a number of trait attributes on its model object as properties on the ModelView, usually to convert the model's data into a format that is more suited to a user interface. The context dictionary that a ModelView object passes to the View's ui() method contains the following entries: - ``object``: The ModelView object itself. - ``model``: The ModelView's model object. In effect, the ModelView object substitutes itself for the model object in relation to the View object, serving both the "controller" role and the "model" role (as a set of properties wrapped around the original model). Because the ModelView object is passed as the context's object, its attributes can be referenced by unqualified names in the View definition. .. _writing-handler-methods: Writing Handler Methods ----------------------- If you create a custom Handler subclass, depending on the behavior you want to implement, you might override the standard methods of Handler, or you might create methods that respond to changes to specific trait attributes. .. _overriding-standard-methods: Overriding Standard Methods ``````````````````````````` The Handler class provides methods that are automatically executed at certain points in the lifespan of the window controlled by a given Handler. By overriding these methods, you can implement a variety of custom window behaviors. The following sequence shows the points at which the Handler methods are called. 1. A UIInfo object is created 2. The Handler's init_info() method is called. Override this method if the handler needs access to viewable traits on the UIInfo object whose values are properties that depend on items in the context being edited. 3. The UI object is created, and generates the actual window. 4. The init() method is called. Override this method if you need to initialize or customize the window. .. TODO: Add a non-trivial example here. 5. The position() method is called. Override this method to modify the position of the window (if setting the x and y attributes of the View is insufficient). 6. The window is displayed. .. _when-handler-methods-are-called-and-when-to-override-them-table: .. rubric:: When Handler methods are called, and when to override them +---------------------------+--------------------------+-----------------------+ |Method |Called When |Override When? | +===========================+==========================+=======================+ |apply(info) |The user clicks the |To perform additional | | |:guilabel:`Apply` button, |processing at this | | |and after the changes have|point. | | |been applied to the | | | |context objects. | | +---------------------------+--------------------------+-----------------------+ |close(info, is_ok) |The user requests to close|To perform additional | | |the window, clicking |checks before | | |:guilabel:`OK`, |destroying the window. | | |:guilabel:`Cancel`, or the| | | |window close button, menu,| | | |or icon. | | +---------------------------+--------------------------+-----------------------+ |closed(info, is_ok) |The window has been |To perform additional | | |destroyed. |clean-up tasks. | +---------------------------+--------------------------+-----------------------+ |revert(info) |The user clicks the |To perform additional | | |:guilabel:`Revert` button,|processing. | | |or clicks | | | |:guilabel:`Cancel` in a | | | |live window. | | +---------------------------+--------------------------+-----------------------+ |setattr(info, object, name,|The user changes a trait |To perform additional | |value) |attribute value through |processing, such as | | |the user interface. |keeping a change | | | |history. Make sure that| | | |the overriding method | | | |actually sets the | | | |attribute. | +---------------------------+--------------------------+-----------------------+ |show_help(info, |The user clicks the |To call a custom help | |control=None) |:guilabel:`Help` button. |handler in addition to | | | |or instead of the | | | |global help handler, | | | |for this window. | +---------------------------+--------------------------+-----------------------+ |perform(info, action, |The user clicks a button |To change the way that | |event) |or toolbar item, or |actions are handled, | | |selects a menu item. |eg. to pass more info | | | |to a method. | +---------------------------+--------------------------+-----------------------+ .. _reacting-to-trait-changes: Reacting to Trait Changes ````````````````````````` The setattr() method described above is called whenever any trait value is changed in the UI. However, TraitsUI also provides a mechanism for calling methods that are automatically executed whenever the user edits a *particular* trait. While you can use static notification handler methods on the HasTraits object, you might want to implement behavior that concerns only the user interface. In that case, following the MVC pattern dictates that such behavior should not be implemented in the "model" part of the code. In keeping with this pattern, TraitsUI supports "user interface notification" methods, which must have a signature with the following format: .. method:: extended_traitname_changed(info) This method is called whenever a change is made to the attribute specified by *extended_traitname* in the **context** of the View used to create the window (see :ref:`multi-object-views`), where the dots in the extended trait reference have been replaced by underscores. For example, for a method to handle changes on the **salary** attribute of the object whose context key is 'object' (the default object), the method name should be object_salary_changed(). By contrast, a subclass of Handler for :ref:`Example 7 ` might include a method called h2_price_changed() to be called whenever the price of the second house is edited. .. note:: These methods are called on window creation. User interface notification methods are called when the window is first created. To differentiate between code that should be executed when the window is first initialized and code that should be executed when the trait actually changes, use the **initialized** attribute of the UIInfo object (i.e., of the *info* argument):: def object_foo_changed(self, info): if not info.initialized: #code to be executed only when the window is #created else: #code to be executed only when 'foo' changes after #window initialization} #code to be executed in either case The following script, which annotates its window's title with an asterisk ('*') the first time a data element is updated, demonstrates a simple use of both an overridden setattr() method and user interface notification method. .. _example-9-using-a-handler-that-reacts-to-trait-changes: .. rubric:: Example 9: Using a Handler that reacts to trait changes :: # handler_override.py -- Example of a Handler that overrides # setattr(), and that has a user interface # notification method from traits.api import HasTraits, Bool from traitsui.api import View, Handler class TC_Handler(Handler): def setattr(self, info, object, name, value): Handler.setattr(self, info, object, name, value) info.object._updated = True def object__updated_changed(self, info): if info.initialized: info.ui.title += "*" class TestClass(HasTraits): b1 = Bool b2 = Bool b3 = Bool _updated = Bool(False) view1 = View('b1', 'b2', 'b3', title="Alter Title", handler=TC_Handler(), buttons = ['OK', 'Cancel']) tc = TestClass() tc.configure_traits(view=view1) .. image:: images/alter_title_before.png :alt: Dialog box with empty checkboxes and a title of "Alter Title" .. figure:: images/alter_title_after.png :alt: Dialog box with one filled checkbox and a title of "Alter Title*" Figure 7: Before and after views of Example 9 .. _implementing-custom-window-commands: Implementing Custom Window Commands ``````````````````````````````````` Another use of a Handler is to define custom window actions, which can be presented as buttons, menu items, or toolbar buttons. .. _actions: Actions ::::::: In TraitsUI, window commands are implemented as instances of the Action class. Actions can be used in :term:`command button`\ s, menus, and toolbars. Suppose you want to build a window with a custom **Recalculate** action. Suppose further that you have defined a subclass of Handler called MyHandler to provide the logic for the window. To create the action: #. Add a method to MyHandler that implements the command logic. This method can have any name (e.g., do_recalc()), but must accept exactly one argument: a UIInfo object. #. Create an Action instance using the name of the new method, e.g.:: recalc = Action(name = "Recalculate", action = "do_recalc") .. _custom-command-buttons: Custom Command Buttons :::::::::::::::::::::: The simplest way to turn an Action into a window command is to add it to the **buttons** attribute for the View. It appears in the button area of the window, along with any standard buttons you specify. #. Define the handler method and action, as described in :ref:`actions`. #. Include the new Action in the **buttons** attribute for the View:: View ( #view contents, # ..., buttons = [ OKButton, CancelButton, recalc ]) .. _menus-and-menu-bars: Menus and Menu Bars ::::::::::::::::::: Another way to install an Action such as **recalc** as a window command is to make it into a menu option. #. Define the handler method and action, as described in :ref:`actions`. #. If the View does not already include a MenuBar, create one and assign it to the View's **menubar** attribute. #. If the appropriate Menu does not yet exist, create it and add it to the MenuBar. #. Add the Action to the Menu. These steps can be executed all at once when the View is created, as in the following code:: View ( #view contents, # ..., menubar = MenuBar( Menu( my_action, name = 'My Special Menu'))) .. _toolbars: Toolbars :::::::: A third way to add an action to a Traits View is to make it a button on a toolbar. Adding a toolbar to a Traits View is similar to adding a menu bar, except that toolbars do not contain menus; they directly contain actions. 1. Define the handler method and the action, as in :ref:`actions`, including a tooltip and an image to display on the toolbar. The image must be a Pyface ImageResource instance; if a path to the image file is not specified, it is assumed to be in an images subdirectory of the directory where ImageResource is used:: From pyface.api import ImageResource recalc = Action(name = "Recalculate", action = "do_recalc", toolip = "Recalculate the results", image = ImageResource("recalc.png")) 2. If the View does not already include a ToolBar, create one and assign it to the View's **toolbar** attribute. 3. Add the Action to the ToolBar. As with a MenuBar, these steps can be executed all at once when the View is created, as in the following code:: View ( #view contents, # ..., toolbar = ToolBar(my_action)) .. rubric:: Footnotes .. [11] Except those implemented via the **enabled_when**, **visible_when**, and **defined_when** attributes of Items and Groups. .. [12] Other attributes of the UIInfo object include a UI object and any *trait editors* contained in the window (see :ref:`introduction-to-trait-editor-factories` and :ref:`the-predefined-trait-editor-factories`).