traitsui.list_str_adapter module

Defines adapter interfaces for use with the ListStrEditor.

class traitsui.list_str_adapter.AnIListStrAdapter

Bases: traits.has_traits.HasPrivateTraits

accepts = Bool(True)

Does the adapter know how to handle the current item or not?

index = Int

The index of the current item being adapted.

is_cacheable = Bool(True)

Does the value of accepts depend only upon the type of item?

item = Any

Current item being adapted.

value = Any

The current value (if any).

class traitsui.list_str_adapter.IListStrAdapter

Bases: traits.has_traits.Interface

accepts = Bool

Does the adapter know how to handle the current item or not?

index = Int

The index of the current item being adapted.

is_cacheable = Bool

Does the value of accepts depend only upon the type of item?

item = Any

Current item being adapted.

value = Any

The current value (if any).

class traitsui.list_str_adapter.ListStrAdapter

Bases: traits.has_traits.HasPrivateTraits

The base class for adapting list items to values that can be edited by a ListStrEditor.

adapters = List(IListStrAdapter, update=True)

List of optional delegated adapters.

bg_color = Color(None, update=True)

The default background color for list items.

cache = Any({})

Cache of attribute handlers.

cache_flushed = Event(update=True)

Event fired when the cache is flushed.

can_edit = Bool(True)

Can the text value of each list item be edited.

default_text = Str

Specifies the default text for a new list item.

default_value = Any('')

Specifies the default value for a new list item.

delete(object, trait, index)

Deletes the specified object.trait[index] list item.

dropped = Enum('after', 'before')

Specifies where a dropped item should be placed in the list relative to the item it is dropped on.

even_bg_color = Color(None, update=True)

The default background color for even list items.

even_text_color = Color(None, update=True)

The default text color for even list items.

get_bg_color(object, trait, index)

Returns the background color for a specified object.trait[index] list item. A result of None means use the default list item background color.

get_can_drop(object, trait, index, value)

Returns whether the specified value can be dropped on the specified object.trait[index] list item. A value of True means the value can be dropped; and a value of False indicates that it cannot be dropped.

get_can_edit(object, trait, index)

Returns whether the user can edit a specified object.trait[index] list item. A True result indicates the value can be edited, while a False result indicates that it cannot be edited.

get_default_bg_color(object, trait)

Returns the default background color for the specified object.trait list.

get_default_image(object, trait)

Returns the default image for the specified object.trait list.

get_default_text(object, trait)

Returns the default text for the specified object.trait list.

get_default_text_color(object, trait)

Returns the default text color for the specified object.trait list.

get_default_value(object, trait)

Returns a new default value for the specified object.trait list.

get_drag(object, trait, index)

Returns the ‘drag’ value for a specified object.trait[index] list item. A result of None means that the item cannot be dragged.

get_dropped(object, trait, index, value)

Returns how to handle a specified value being dropped on a specified object.trait[index] list item. The possible return values are:

Insert the specified value before the dropped on item.
Insert the specified value after the dropped on item.
get_image(object, trait, index)

Returns the name of the image to use for a specified object.trait[index] list item. A result of None means no image should be used. Otherwise, the result should either be the name of the image, or an ImageResource item specifying the image to use.

get_item(object, trait, index)

Returns the value of the object.trait[index] list item.

get_text(object, trait, index)

Returns the text to display for a specified object.trait[index] list item.

get_text_color(object, trait, index)

Returns the text color for a specified object.trait[index] list item. A result of None means use the default list item text color.

image = Str(None, update=True)

The name of the default image to use for list items.

index = Int

The index of the current item being adapter.

insert(object, trait, index, value)

Inserts a new value at the specified object.trait[index] list index.

item = Any

The current item being adapted.

len(object, trait)

Returns the number of items in the specified object.trait list.

odd_bg_color = Color(None, update=True)

The default background color for odd list items.

odd_text_color = Color(None, update=True)

The default text color for odd list items.

set_text(object, trait, index, text)

Sets the text for a specified object.trait[index] list item to text.

text_color = Color(None, update=True)

The default text color for list items.

value = Any

The current value (if any).

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