traitsui.table_filter module

Defines the filter object used to filter items displayed in a table editor.

class traitsui.table_filter.EvalTableFilter

Bases: traitsui.table_filter.TableFilter

A table filter based on evaluating an expression.


Returns a user readable description of what kind of object satisfies the filter.


Returns whether a specified object meets the filter or search criteria.

class traitsui.table_filter.GenericTableFilterRule(**traits)

Bases: traits.has_traits.HasPrivateTraits

A general rule used by a table filter.

clone_traits(traits=None, memo=None, copy=None, **metadata)

Clones a new object from this one, optionally copying only a specified set of traits.

contains(value1, value2)

Returns a description of the filter.

ends_with(value1, value2)
eq(value1, value2)
ge(value1, value2)
gt(value1, value2)
ignored_traits = ['filter', 'name_editor', 'value_editor']

Returns whether the rule is true for a specified object.

le(value1, value2)
lt(value1, value2)
ne(value1, value2)
starts_with(value1, value2)
class traitsui.table_filter.GenericTableFilterRuleAndOrColumn

Bases: traitsui.table_column.ObjectColumn

Table column that displays whether a filter rule is conjoining (‘and’) or disjoining (‘or’).


Returns the traits editor of the column for a specified object.

class traitsui.table_filter.GenericTableFilterRuleEnabledColumn

Bases: traitsui.table_column.ObjectColumn

Table column that indicates whether a filter rule is enabled.


Returns the traits editor of the column for a specified object.

class traitsui.table_filter.GenericTableFilterRuleNameColumn

Bases: traitsui.table_column.ObjectColumn

Table column for the name of an object trait.


Returns the traits editor of the column for a specified object.

class traitsui.table_filter.GenericTableFilterRuleValueColumn

Bases: traitsui.table_column.ObjectColumn

Table column for the value of an object trait.


Returns the traits editor of the column for a specified object.

class traitsui.table_filter.MenuTableFilter

Bases: traitsui.table_filter.RuleTableFilter

A table filter based on a menu of rules.


Returns a user8readable description of what kind of object satisfies the filter.


Returns whether a specified object meets the filter or search criteria.

class traitsui.table_filter.RuleTableFilter

Bases: traitsui.table_filter.TableFilter

A table filter based on rules.


Returns a user-readable description of the kind of object that satisfies the filter.


Return a view to use for editing the filter.

The ‘’object’’ parameter is a sample object for the table that the filter will be applied to. It is supplied in case the filter needs to extract data or metadata from the object. If the table is empty, the ‘’object’’ argument is None.


Returns whether a specified object meets the filter or search criteria.

class traitsui.table_filter.TableFilter

Bases: traits.has_traits.HasPrivateTraits

Filter for items displayed in a table.


Returns a user-readable description of what kind of object satisfies the filter.


Edits the contents of the filter.


Return a view to use for editing the filter.

The ‘’object’’ parameter is a sample object for the table that the filter will be applied to. It is supplied in case the filter needs to extract data or metadata from the object. If the table is empty, the ‘’object’’ argument is None.


Returns whether a specified object meets the filter or search criteria.

ignored_traits = ['_name', 'template', 'desc']

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